Sunday 10 April 2011

I forgot about this blog.

I'm going to revamp it and try and get more members and stuff.

Thursday 24 June 2010

Oh wow, I forgot about here D:

So, I've gained, about 2 lbs since I was last on here, but since then I went down to 6'10" and am now back to 7'2" =_=
I think, though I may be fooling myself, that I have a little more muscle than I used to, but I think I just say that because I don't want to believe it's fat.

Monday 19 April 2010

Im back to 9st, i really annoyed at myself. I need help with this people. Does anyone have any food ideas? low calorie?

Keep strong x

Thursday 8 April 2010


I think my family are becoming more aware of my weight loss, today i wore a top that used to barely fit and it fits a lot better now and my skinny jeans are gettin baggy :/

Monday 5 April 2010

i was just wondering who posts a blog monitoring their eating apart from this one? cause i have a separate one which i post in more and i wanted to follow other people but a lot of people have blogs about eating and stuff and they only post like once a year or something. any suggestions?

I haven't been doing to well lately

It's the holidays as well so, I'm at home most of the time, but I wakeup at about 3 so most of the day is gone but i eat a lot when I'm awake :(
Does anyone know any places where you can get diet pills?
Btw i live in England so somewhere local

Sunday 4 April 2010

I haven't been here in ages.

I need to lose weight again! I'm gaining so much, and can't stop eating.
Give me low calorie/fat, filling foods that I can substitute everything with, please! :(